Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Problems with Space Travel

There are a couple of problems arising from making interstellar space voyages. Two main problems are time and fuel energy required. Scientists still do not consider that space travel beyond Solar System is a physical possibility even by using powerful propulsion systems like fission rockets. In addition there is Einstein’s theory of relativity and concept of relative time. The former says that to attain the speed of light, the highest speed limit in nature, the mass has to increase to infinity – thus making the energy needed for this acceleration also to be infinite. While the concept of relative time states that if one travels faster, time travels slower, and theoretically when an object attains the speed of light the time stops completely. With the existence of these problems, the space travel to far away galaxies still seems a sci-fi concept (Ratliff, Kimball & Heraty n.d.) Propulsion Theories –Antimatter propulsion While the relative-time issue still remains a problem, scientists have proposed many solutions to overcome the problem of speed by suggesting alternative propulsion ideas. While some of the scientists focus on bettering the present chemical propulsion systems by introducing new techniques, some others have proposed an alternative to replace chemical propellant by antimatter (Ratliff, Kimball & Heraty n.d.) Theoretically every particle has its corresponding antiparticle, identical in nature but opposed in charge. When these oppositely charged particles combine they are converted into combination energy and other particle, the process is known as annihilation. Scientists are currently doing experiments to use this energy as a power source for spacecrafts. There are several methods to do this. One of them follows the principles of fission reactor and a steam engine. This method would provide twice of the present impulse to spacecrafts. A more complicated method used magnetic coils to direct the by-products of annihilation to provide the thrust, which would give an impulse of 10,000,000 million seconds but the thrust would be lower (Ratliff, Kimball & Heraty n.d.) While the method is very efficient, the main limitation of using the antimatter in the propulsion system is its price – one mg of antimatter may cost nearly one hundred billion dollars to produce.   This is the major difficulty in the implementation of antimatter propulsion technology. (Ratliff, Kimball & Heraty n.d.) Research and Experiments Many experiments have been going on for making the propulsion scheme using Antimatter, to be more specific antiprotons, feasible in near future. Antimatter is generated in a handful of laboratories around the world. The laboratories in America include facilities such as Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York and Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois. These laboratories produce antimatter by accelerating subatomic particles like protons near the speed of lights and then hit them against other target particles. The most famous of these laboratories is at CERN in Geneva. In fact the first antimatter particle was produced by a scientist names Carl Anderson in the year 1932 (Forward Blase 1997) The Antimatter particles are difficult to produce because of their inherent nature. The process of annihilation consists of making a contact between particles of antimatter with particles of matter. When this happens both are annihilated and energy is created. However, the synthesized antiatoms have lasted only 40 billionths of a second before their annihilation. The simplest antimatter atom to produce was Antihydrogen. This too took billion of dollars and decades of research. Even CERN, considered to be the most advanced laboratory, where this experiment was performed, agrees that the present method is far too expensive and that newer, faster and   cheaper methods need to be researched or increasing the production of antimatter (Book Rags) The current worldwide, annual production of antimatter is only two billionths of a gram. Unless this number is increased multifold to the order of milligrams; the use of antimatter in space propulsion is not a viable option. This is because â€Å"at least several milligrams of antimatter is needed to fuel a beam core antimatter engine in local operations and several kilograms for interstellar travel to Alpha Centuri† (Persson 2007). Conclusion NASA has made an approximation that â€Å"the requirements for antimatter are on the scale of 1 to 100 micrograms per mission, which with the current infrastructure equates to an antiproton cost of $60 million to $6 billion.† (Schmidt Gerrish Martin n.d). However they also speculate that with the many research projects focused on the reduction of costs, the cost per mission could drop to $60 million per mission, or even lesser possibly less. At this rate the antimatter propulsion might become a feasible option for the future space voyages. References Book Rags, â€Å"Antimatter Propulsion†, Forward R L, Blasà © WP, â€Å"Advanced Space Propulsion Study – Antiproton and Beamed Power Propulsion†, 1997, Leonard D, â€Å"Looking to Lasers, Microwaves and Antimatter for Space travel†, 26th November 2003, Tech Wednesday, Persson J, â€Å"Antimatter Propulsion-Future Space Propulsion Systems†, 2007, Ratliff S, Kimball K, Heraty G, â€Å"The Speed of light: How faster can we go†, Schmidt G R, Gerrish HP, Martin   JJ, Smith GA, Meyer K J,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Antimatter Production for Near-term Propulsion Applications†, NASA   

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Drawing the Line: Normal and Abnormal Behavior Essay

The term abnormal is defined as deviating from the norm (Spoor, 1999). The definition however is problematic in that it addresses other factors. For instance, one needs to consider what the norm is and who labeled it as such. Norms are also dynamic; a norm today may no longer be one in the future. The fact that norms are also culture specific (Syque, 2007) leads one to consider that abnormality is largely relative.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Delineating between normal and abnormal behavior is thus more complicated in that a medical implication is often involved. Several criteria have been proposed to account for such. For instance, the first criteria accounts for the behavior’s deviation from cultural norms. Cultures impose upon its members certain norms and the deviation from such often results to being labeled as abnormal. Men who wore earrings forty years ago were thus considered abnormal. Second, abnormal behavior deviates from the statistical norm (Smith, Nolen – Hoeksema, Fredrickson, Loftus, 2003). Most people tend to fall within the mean of certain traits. An individual with an IQ of 40 falls on the extreme end and is therefore considered abnormal. Third, abnormal behavior is maladaptive; that is, it has detrimental effects on the individual and society. A woman who fears crowds and avoids taking the bus to work even if she has to is an example. Lastly, abnormal behavior causes personal distress (Smith, et al, 2003). An individual who harbors self – defeating belilefs about himself is deemed abnormal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abnormal behavior is rarely diagnosed effectively using just one from the aforementioned criteria. For a subject that calls to draw the line between normality and abnormality; one needs to be cautious in that people are inevitably affected and involved. References Smith, E., Nolen – Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. & Loftus, G. (2003). Atkinson & Hilgard’s   Ã‚  Ã‚   Introduction to Psychology, 14th Edition. Singapore: Thomson Learning Asia. Spoor, Katrina. (1999). What is â€Å"abnormal†? A Beginner’s Guide to Abnormal Psychology   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Site. Retrieved December 12, 2007 from Syque. (2007). Elements of Culture. Site. Retrieved December 12, 2007   Ã‚  Ã‚   from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Assessing Young Learners Speaking Ability in the Fifth Grade of Three Elementary Schools in Padang Essay Example for Free

Assessing Young Learners’ Speaking Ability in the Fifth Grade of Three Elementary Schools in Padang Essay Learning (1721) , Learners (44) , Elementary school (34) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints A. Background of the Problem Communicative view development in English learning makes the focus on English teaching changed. What once became structurally focused, it now moves toward meaningful language-focused. Students are not asked to memorize structure-based dialogues without knowing the meaning anymore. There are no more grammatically controlled sentences for students’ meaningless repetition. Dialogues, if used, center around communicative functions and are not normally memorized (Richards & Rodgers, 1986). That makes the teaching of speaking becomes the core part of English teaching. Just like the adults, young learners today are also taught speaking meaningfully and communicatively. However, young learners have distinctive characteristics compared with adult learners. One of them is children are still developing cognitively, linguistically, socially, emotionally, and physically (Teaching Knowledge Test Young Learners: Handbook for Teachers, 2010). In other words, in teaching speaking to them, teachers need to consider children’s development of skills in the native language first. Young learners also enjoy rhythmic and repetitive language more than adults do. They are more likely to play with language than adults are, and they can be more effectively engaged through stories and games (Peck, 2009). The different techniques and approaches in teaching speaking to young learners lead to different ways in the speaking assessment. This is the problem faced by Indonesian young learners’ teachers nowadays. Most teachers do not know how they should assess their young learners’ speaking ability; some finally choose to skip the speaking assessment and focus on pencil-paper-tests. Thus, this research is conducted to discover and reveal ways of assessing young learners’ speaking ability. B. Identification of the Problem Based on the background above, the speaking assessment techniques used for young learners should be different from the adult. It should be suited with their cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development. As we looked upon Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices by Brown (2010) and integrated it with curriculum standard in Indonesia, KTSP 2006, young learners will be better to be assessed in imitative and intensive speaking categories, such as imitating teachers’ saying, directed response tasks, read-aloud tasks, and dialogue completion tasks. Alternative assessments such as interviews and conferences can also be applied for them. C. Limitation of the Problem In this research, the problem will be focused on the speaking assessment techniques in the fifth grade of three selected elementary schools in Padang. D. Formulation of the Problem * What kind of speaking assessment technique used by elementary school English teachers? * Why do they use such techniques? E. Purpose of the Research The purpose of this research is to discover and reveal the technique used by English teachers to assess elementary school students’ speaking ability. F. Significance of the Research Theoretically, this research is aimed to give a description of how speaking assessment for young learners done in Indonesia. Practically, some techniques used by English teachers provided here can be a source of alternative speaking assessment. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. The Nature of Assessment There has been various explanation of what assessment is. Brindley (as stated in Linse, 2005) refers assessment as â€Å"collecting information and making judgments on a learner’s knowledge†. It means that in assessing students, we need to find out what students know about the subject being taught and how far that understanding has reached the learning indicator. In the same line with Brindley but with an addition, Brown (2010) states assessment as â€Å"an ongoing process of collecting information about a given object of interest according to procedures that are systematic and substantively grounded.† In his statement above, Brown implies that the process of collecting and judging students’ understanding is not done orderly in one single time; it is done continuously. Harris and McCann (1994) also give an essential note that in doing assessment teachers have to measure the performance of their students and the progress they make, as well as diagnose the problems they have and provide useful feedback. In other words, collecting and judging students’ intelligence is not enough; finding out what becomes students’ problem and giving advice to them to overcome the problems is also important to create a more successful learning process. Based on the theories above, it can be seen that assessment involves collecting information about students’ knowledge and judging their understanding in order to diagnose the learning problems they have so that students can get useful feedback to be more-successful learners. B. The Nature of Speaking As stated in the previous chapter, today’s English teaching focuses more on communicative purpose of language learning than in the past. It leads to the more important consideration of speaking skills than in previous time. Just like assessment, there is also various definition of speaking. One of them is from Lingua Links (1998) that defines speaking as productive skill in the oral mode that involves more than just pronouncing words. Referring to today’s communicative view, of course speaking cannot be thought as just pronouncing words; it needs to be meaningful, and communicative. Furthermore, Noonan (2003) states that, if pronunciation included, speaking involves three areas: mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary), functions (transaction and interaction), and social cultural norms and rules (turn-taking, rate of speech, etc). All of them are connected to each other and prove that speaking is not only about what is uttered, but also the meaning and social purpose. C. The Nature of Young Learners Young learner is a child who is in their first six year of formal education, from age 6 to 12 (Teaching Knowledge Test Young Learners: Handbook for Teachers, 2010). Many experts argue that it is beneficial to teach the children English since young age. TKT Young Learners (2010) notes one of the advantages that those children will have positive self-esteem toward English and it will help them to learn English more once they are adult. That is why teaching English to young learners considered important today. However, young learners have characteristics that make them different from the adults (Teaching Knowledge Test Young Learners: Handbook for Teachers, 2010). First, they are still morally, cognitively, psychologically developed. Based on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, children in age 6-12 years old are still in concrete operational thought stage, they already have the ability to do logical reasoning and understand reversibility with the help of concrete objects (Santrock, 1998). It means that explaining theory will not do for them, we need to make them move, do games, sing, etc. Second, young learners often have no obvious reason for learning English. Unlike adults who want to do it because of the career-related reasons or teenagers that do it to pass an exam, young learners do not have concrete reason why they must learn English. However, it does not mean they are not motivated to learn English; their goodwill, energy, and curiosity to learning overcome that. Third, they may not always have well-developed literacy skills to support their learning of English. Many children in the age of 6-12 years old are just getting to know their first language. It means that as a teacher we need to not have too-high expectation and do more. Fourth, young learners often learn slowly and forget quickly. It is related to the first characteristic that young learners are still developed morally, socially, and cognitively. Their still-ongoing developments in those basic things make them forget easily and learn slowly. This is why songs, agmes, and chants do best for them. D. Principles of Assessing Young Learners According to METU Open Course Ware (2006), principles of assessing children’s language learning are: 1. Assessment should be seen from a learning-centered perspective. It means that we cannot get a true assessment by testing kids what they can do alone. It has been stated by many experts that the goal of learning English is to be able to communicate meaningfully in English. Testing students, let alone young children, as a tool to get true assessment will not congruent with the real goal of English learning and it will just be wasting time. 2. Assessment should support learning and teaching. This is something that is not also becomes a problem with young learners, but also with the adult. Before performance-based assessment is introduced, teachers chose paper-and-pencil tests as their source of assessing (Puppin, 2006). It becomes a problematic then since students do not see the connection between the learning and the test they are doing, ; they see them as two different incongruent things. If the assessment done is congruent with the learning they did, children will feel that what they have learned is useful. 3. Children and parents should understand assessment issues. Their understanding will make the assessment process more meaningful since they can participate and supports greatly on behave of children’s English development. On the other hand, if they do not understand why the teacher does this and that, there will be no good communication between these three subjects to help children’s development. E. Techniques of Speaking Assessment Brown (2010) states some techniques of speaking assessment based on students’ language development level: Imitative Speaking This kind of assessment is intended to see whether students can imitate saying in English correctly. Eventhough it focuses on the accuracy of repeating words, it does not mean that it cannot be communicative and meaningful. Besides, in recent years many experts have discovered that an overemphasis on fluency can sometimes lead to the decline of accuracy in speech. Intensive Speaking There are four tasks in this kind of assessing: directed response task, oral questionnaire, and picture-cued task. In oral questionnaires, students are first given time to read the dialogue to get its main idea and to think about the appropriate lines to fill in. Then, as the tape, teacher produces one part orally; the students respond. In directed response task, students elicit a particular grammatical form of a transformation of a sentence. Such tasks are clearly mechanical and not communicative, but they do require minimal processing of meaning in order to produce the correct grammatical output. Picture-cued task requires a description from the students. Pictures may be very simple, designed to elicit a word or a phrase, or composed of a series that tells a story or incident. This task is meaningful since sometime a little sense of humor is injected. Responsive Speaking Assessment of responsive tasks involves brief interactions with an interlocutor, differing from intensive tasks in increased creativity given to the student and from interactive tasks by somewhat limited length of utterances. The kinds of this assessment are question and answer, giving instructions and directions, and paraphrasing. Questions and answers involve oral interaction with teacher. Assessing Young Learners’ Speaking Ability in the Fifth Grade of Three Elementary Schools in Padang. 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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Finance (Case Study) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Finance (Case Study) - Essay Example They should work out how much (after paying off all their debts and driving down their expenditure) they can save every month. Good saving habits and practices begin with a clear knowledge and understanding of what one is capable of and how much one can spend at any given time without negatively affecting his/her financial health. The couple must therefore know how much they are capable of saving every month, compare that figure to the actual amount they are saving and then start cutting down on unnecessary spending. Work out a Saving Plan Ascertaining saving is only the first step. It acts as a precursor to the next course of action, which is working out a saving plan. The most important thing to note here is that one thing leads to the other, and in a case like this it is advisable to move in a systematic and methodical manner. Assuming the couple has now figured out how much they are capable of saving every month, they can now move to achieve that goal. All expenditures should be planned in such a way that the saving targets are either met at the end of every month (or even surpassed). So long as the couple is saving money, meeting its targets and avoiding unnecessary expenditures, a strong financial foundation has been laid which will act as a launching pad for financial security and freedom. Their Current Financial Situation I would say that the couple is currently doing fine. Their total expenditure per annum is $228,348, compared to their total income per annum which is $294,650. This means that at the end of every month they are able to save $66,302. In addition to this, their investments and assets total $1,771,500, while their total debt is $28,965. I would therefore say that since the couple is not in debt and they are able to save some money, their financial position is pretty healthy. As a consequence, it is possible that through better saving and spending habits, they can save even more money and maintain a positive financial outlook going forward . All the Aspects of their Finances Kevin and Alex are capable of saving more than they are saving now. The only thing they need to do is to eliminate any unnecessary costs and expenditures that can only serve to increase their debt. It is however encouraging to see that both of them have invested in either a superannuation or some other type of fund. Alex diverts a portion of her salary ($33,000) to a superannuation fund, while Kevin has invested in a superfund. Apart from this, the couple has invested in a share portfolio, an investment unit and a debenture. The superannuation is important because it provides them with a sense of security and something to fall back on once they are either retired or are unable to work. The debenture, investment unit and share portfolio also offer viable financial alternatives that would otherwise be unavailable if the couple did not seek financial security. Their Overall Situation I would laud the couple for making efforts to secure their future, because although they are faced with numerous financial challenges, they are managing to stay afloat. With a combined income of less than $300,000, it is commendable that they have made some very good investment moves. They took out a mortgage, and even though it was $850,000 at the time they took it, their house is now worth $1,050,000. This means that once they stop remitting the monthly payments that are due, they will own their home and probably get even a higher value for

Personal Finance Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Finance Assignment - Essay Example The kinds of credit available can be categorized into two; short term credit and long-term credit depending on the repayment period (Chandra 56). Purchasing of a new camera and a wardrobe for business does not require a lot of cash; Sam and Judy can opt to take a short term loan for purchase of these two items. On the other hand, they can take long term credit for the purchase of a new 52 inch television and a car. Another credit available to them is personal savings. While budgeting, it is vital that things that need to be purchased be arranged in order of priority (Chandra 27). Without arranging the purchases in order of priority, a person ends up buying the wrong commodity not required within the period. It is noteworthy that Sam and Judy should consider buying what is necessary to them at the moment. Suitable clothing for business wear is the most vital commodity to consider buying. They should purchase clothing immediately since they need them when in business. In purchasing clothing, they can use personal savings or short term loans. A camera, car and television, should be purchased later after purchasing clothing. This is because a camera, car and television are luxury commodities that the two can live without (Chandra 44). If the two were to take a loan in purchasing the commodities, then they would have an extra monthly budget of the following: camera $ 900, car $11000, television $ 2500, and clothing $ 3000. These new expenses add up to $ 17,400. These expenses cannot be payable once. Hence, Sam and Judy have to appropriate the total cost into a period of twenty four months; so as to determine how much they will term as expenses per month in purchasing the items. Dividing $ 17,400 by 24 months, $ 725 is the new, additional monthly expense. From the old budget, it was estimated that total monthly expenses totaled to $ 2778. With the purchase of the new items, the old monthly budget will expand. The items that are to be purchased using loan can be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Risk Assessment For nonprofit hospital Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Risk Assessment For nonprofit hospital - Essay Example Evidently, the industry is highly vulnerable to information theft more than ever before. In modern healthcare settings, risk factors are impulsive and hence comprehensive risk assessment programs are essential to meet the challenges. According to the current day concept, risk assessment is not simply a precaution but a preventive healthcare approach that mitigates the impacts of a number of risk factors (The National Patient Safety Agency, 2007). Why Risk Assessment It has been stated that â€Å"each technical advance brings new security holes† (Rogers, 2011, p. 2). According to the writer, storing data over the internet involves incessant threat from hackers and malware. Burger (2010) describes the Kern medical center’s intense struggle with computer virus to regain its data, for the virus had downloaded ‘tons of porn documents’ and crashed all computers causing great dilemma. The incident has been cited by many experts to show that hospital data is always vulnerable to identity theft. For instance, Fell (2010) also points out that hospital computer systems are under the threat of information theft referring to the mayhem caused by virus at Kern Medical Center. According to the officials of UC Davis Police Department, the author says that "Hospitals are a soft target where a cyber attack can cause a lot of damage quite easily† (as cited in Fell, 2010). ... 3-5), the business environment highly involves intense competition and technical complexity which raise considerable amount of vulnerability risk to organizations of every type. Hence it is important to have a reliable risk assessment program for every firm to ensure the security of their data and other areas of organizational functions. And risk assessment in the view of the writers is â€Å"a systematic process for describing and quantifying the risks associated with hazardous substances, processes, action, or events† (Covello & Merkhoher 1993, p.3). Risk Assessment Tools There are certain effective free vulnerability scanning tools that can help non-profit organizations to address this issue. Nessus is one of the most important security vulnerability scanning tools. The website gives very detailed information about the vulnerability scanning tool-Nessus. The site has included several frequently asked questions and their answers along with the basic instructions for its user s. A close analysis of Nessus’ official website gives a clear picture of its total functions (Nessus). The relevance of Nessus has been well described in Rogers (2011). According to the author, tools like Nessus have been helping organizations to assess the vulnerability of their systems. It can also be used to check for misconfiguration vulnerabilities like open mail relay and missing patches (p.291). Evidently, Nessus is widely accepted as the most comprehensive vulnerability scanning program available today, for it helps clients to assess the level of their system’s vulnerability to data theft or virus attack (Nessus: online encyclopedia). The website, SecTools.Org conducts regular surveys to identify and list the community’s favorite software through multiple

Friday, July 26, 2019

My Ideas for a Utopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

My Ideas for a Utopia - Essay Example Throughout the ages intellectuals have come up with a number of different proposals for an ideal government, each of these proposed ideas is based on a particular and limited view of humanity, some of these ideas are based on a very optimistic view of humans and present the masses of humanity as the epitome of sagacity and intelligence and fully capable of knowing their best interest and others are based on extremely pessimistic beliefs about the public and consider them to be no more than sheep to be lead by a wise ruler.  Marx desired a society in which there was no personal ownership (Marx and Engels 235) In Plato’s ideal republic, the men would even share wives and children (Plato 301). These ideas overemphasize the tendency of humans to cooperate with one another and share resources with one another, the fact that humans may also be intensely competitive with one another, liable to intense bouts of jealousy (especially sexual jealousy), may not have the same incentive t o work without personal ownership of property and in any system of joint effort, some will attempt to get a free ride by doing little of the labor and reaping an equal part of the benefits, is overlooked in these social systems. In my opinion, it is necessary to allow private ownership of property and means of production in order to maximize the incentive of each person to labor. In addition, the extraordinary love and affection shown to a child by its father are likely to be missing from a society where all the men are held to be equally responsible for each child. The system of having wives in common seems to be extremely exploitative of women and possibly impossible to impose without the use of coercion.   

Thursday, July 25, 2019

LAW OF TORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

LAW OF TORT - Essay Example Failure to protect others from harm as a result of somebody’s conduct is known as negligence whereby a duty care will have been ignored. Against this background, this section of the essay seeks to critically assess the standard care owed by professionals compared to the normal test. From the above definition of tort, it is clear that everyone has a duty care to make sure that their actions do not harm their neighbours. However, with regards to this normal test, it does not always follow that duty care is owed by the third party which may result in loss of something which requires the plaintiff to prove that the resultant loss has been a result of the action of the third party. This emanates from the assertion that every individual has duty care to the neighbour. Thus, negligence in common cases ought to be proved by the plaintiff that he or she has been injured or suffered losses as a result of the conduct of the third party. In this case, the relationship between the parties involved may not be very distinct, the reason why the plaintiff has to prove that he has suffered for him to claim for damages from that resultant injury which would be unprecedented. Tort of negligence in this particular scenario will involve third parties which may not be directly related. Contrary to the normal test of tort, the standard of care owed by professionals is a bit clear and distinct. With regards to professionals, the duty of care owed to the other people is clearly distinct in most cases. For instance, at the workplace, it is the duty of the manager or the supervisor to ensure that the employees are conducting themselves in a way that will not cause harm to them. It is mainly believed that when workers are at work within the company promises, they are under the custody of the employer hence anything bad that may happen to them will be owed to the employer. In such a scenario, it is the duty of the employer to ensure that the day of duty care vested in him is not brea ched since this will warrantee some form of compensation. In the same vein, the day of duty care for children at school is owed to the teacher because he is the one with direct responsibility with the conduct of the kids. In other words, they are under the custody of the teacher so the standard care in this case is the responsibility of the teacher. The teacher will have been entrusted to take good care of the children so it is his duty to fulfil this trust vested in him. In some cases, a medical practitioner like a dentist or surgeon has a duty of care to his patients. In the event that he breaches that duty which may result in injury, shock or even financial loss falls under the tort of negligence and the professional involved will be liable for paying compensation. It is the duty of the medical practitioner to ensure that he does not cause further harm to the patient who has vested her trust in him knowing that he will be able to assist him. For example, Lord McMillan in Bourhill v Young [1943] AC 92 (HL) suggests that the crude view that law should only take account of physical injury has been discarded and it now takes into consideration injury by shock. So in the event that a patient has been traumatised in the custody of a physician, he or she will be liable to sue for damages and ultimately compensation. It is only professional acts that are caught by the assumption of responsibility

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Central American Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Central American Migration - Essay Example War, persecution, and violence in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua due to political upheavals spurred the mass migration of their citizens into the United States (Guierrez, 1960). The migration occurred in phases with the elites fleeing first followed by the professionals and the middle class and lastly the poor working class. Nicaraguan migrants went to the us in three waves with the first consisting of the overthrown Somoza family and their associates, wealthy business peoples and members of the National guard in 1970s followed by the middle class professionals and business people in the 1980s and lastly the poor workers and young men escaping recruitment in the contra war. Their flight unlike the Cubans was not welcomed by the American government who classified them as illegal aliens and used varied ways to try to stop their entry into United States. Even after conditions improved in their home countries many Central Americans did not return home due to a variety of reasons, the end of hostilities did not improve their security at home. In Nicaragua former contras and fragments of Sandinista army continued to fight especially in rural areas and in El Salvador and Guatemala death squads and vigilante groups also operated. (Guierrez, 1960). This coupled with increased crime rates reduced the number of immigrants willing to return home and led to many more Central Americans migrating to United States Depending on their social economic status, Central Americans used several strategies to survive in the harsh United States. Wealthy immigrants used their economic resources and business connections to buy assets in the United States on which they lived comfortably. Many exiles including the Somoza family transferred their assets to Miami banks in the; late 1970s and they moved into fashionable residences in key Biscayne and Brickell avenue where the invested heavily on condominiums in the suburban western edge of the city (Alenjandro, 1993). These were later t o be sold to Nicaraguan professionals and business people during the second wave of migration. This group experienced tough economic hardships on United States soil and the majority worked in unskilled trades to earn a daily living due to an uncertain future. The professionals gradually moved into their fields of work and some steadily advanced in professional capacity because of prior work experience in their country of origin. Professionals used existing friendships with Cuban Americans developed in school to get financing to start their own businesses (Alenjandro, 1993).The peasants and Nicaragua workers migrated chiefly due to war and economic hardships brought by war. Nicaraguan peasants and workers migrated because of the United States sponsored contra war and they became unskilled laborers in the host country. The decision by the United States to classify Nicaraguan immigrant’s illegal aliens exposed them to very many challenges because they did not receive any benefit s like their predecessors the Cubans despite their situations being the same. Finding jobs was exceedingly difficult and the few jobs available had very low wages. They had to

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Permitted Age Of Alcohol Consumption In The United States Essay

The Permitted Age Of Alcohol Consumption In The United States - Essay Example So, the law barely served its purpose of barring underage (below 21-year-old) drinking. Moreover, students like me, arriving from countries with lower drinking age are affected by this law. I want to propose that the age should be lowered, and this paper will apply three core principles in that course. It will use ethos to appeal to ethics, by my credibility as a Chinese who began drinking at age 18 according to the Chinese Law. It will also apply pathos to appeal to the emotion of the audience. In this approach, the paper will convince the audience why the alcohol age should be lowered down to 18 years-old, and not any further below that age. Moreover, the use of logos will ensure the proposal appeals to the audience through logic, persuading them by reason in a situation experienced by former US President Bushs daughter. The legal drinking age should be lowered to 18-year-old, but augmented with stricter policies.  Dwight B. Heath, a professor at the Brown University was asked ab out the what the minimum legal age of drinking should be in the US – â€Å"8, or maybe even 6,† was his response (Griggs). According to Heath, a professor of anthropology, he was not advocating for children to get drunk. Conversely, his response was favoring a cultural model upheld by common countries such as Italy or France, where after family meals, children were served with small wine amounts. By so doing, children are educated about alcohol, eliminating the numerous taboo about alcohol that makes teenagers sneak out to drink away from the supervision of an adult (Griggs). Though I do not support the drinking age he proposes – because alcohol could put children at risk of depression, memory loss, or brain damage (Martin), I endorse the lowering the age of drinking from 21 years-old to 18-year-old. Alcohol for kids would also put them at risk of accidents, impaired judgment, distorted vision, coordination, and hearing.  

Air New Zealand Flight 901 Essay Example for Free

Air New Zealand Flight 901 Essay A McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 aircraft (Registration Mark 2K-NZP), owned and operated by Air New Zealand, Ltd. , as non-scheduled air transport flight TE-901 from Auckland, New Zealand to Christchurch, New Zealand, over Antarctica, collided with Mount Erebus, Antarctica, on November 28, 1979, killing all 257 persons aboard. The accident has caused widespread attention in that, up to this day, controversies and debates remain over the true cause of the accident, and in the amount of responsibility and accountability the airline and its crew should assume. Public opinion also remains polarized. The accident report compiled by Ron Chippindale, the chief inspector of air accidents, attributed blame to the decision of Captain Jim Collins to descend below the customary minimum altitude level, and continue at that height when the crew was unsure of the planes position. The aircraft altitude was 445 meters (1465ft), way below the customary minimum prohibited descent below 1830 meters even under good weather conditions. The flight plan led Collins to believe that the plane was over flat ground, and previous Flight 901 pilots regularly flew low over the area to give passengers a better view. The New Zealand Government also conducted a one-man Royal Commission of Inquiry into the accident. On April 27, 1981, Justice Peter Mahon cleared the crew of blame for the disaster. According to Justice Mahon, the cause of the crash was the interaction a series of entries of co-ordinates into the plane’s navigation computer, including an erroneous entry from years earlier, its correction on the morning of the crash and entries of the flight plan. The result was that the pilots thought they were flying over low flat ground when they were in fact flying directly into the mountain; there was a whiteout at the time. No one’s action was the cause if the crash; it was the cumulative result of the series of actions. Justice Mahon also found that the radio communications center at McMurdo Station had authorized Collins to descend to 450 meters. Controversially, Justice Mahon accused Air New Zealand executives of cover-up, disposal of evidence and subterfuge, famously using the phrase orchestrated litany of lies. However, the Privy Council consequently found that Justice Mahon, as Royal Commissioner, had acted in excess of his jurisdiction and contrary to natural justice regarding those allegations. In their judgment, delivered on 20 October 1983, the five Law Lords of the Privy Council dismissed the Commissioners appeal and upheld the decision of the Court of Appeal decision, which set aside the costs order against the Airline, on the grounds that Mahon had committed clear breaches of natural justice. On the basis that the requirements for the crime of criminally negligent killing could be made out, were the required actions and mental state to have been those of a human being, the accident cannot be blamed to the pilots and crew of Flight 901. According to the Section 23 of the Criminal Code: â€Å"Subject to the express provisions of this Code relating to negligent acts and omissions, a person is not criminally responsible for an act or omission which occurs independently of the exercise of his will, or for an event which occurs by accident. It can be recalled that the crash was caused by interaction a series of entries of co-ordinates into the plane’s navigation computer without the knowing of the pilots. Clearly, the pilots and the crew were not accountable for the disaster. However, Air New Zealand is still criminally and morally responsible for the loss of lives of the Flight 901 passengers. At the time of the crash, the Civil Aviation (Carriers Liability) Act 1959 was available to impose liability on corporations. The Act was enacted to implement the Warsaw Convention in Australian law. Basically, the Warsaw Convention imposes strict liability on international air carriers in respect of death or personal injury to passengers, destruction or loss of or damage to registered baggage or cargo. Liability under the Warsaw Convention for personal injury or death ranges to from 125,000 to 250,000 francs. If the Warsaw Convention cannot be applied, liability may still be imposed under Australian law. Part IV of the Carriers’ Liability Act 1959 applies to air carriage between Australian States; to from or in an Australian Territory; or between Australia and another country. For such air carriage, liability for death or personal injury is currently capped at $500,000. Moreover, the catastrophic crash of Air New Zealand flight 901 into Mt. Erebus provides an interesting case in examining the idea of corporate moral responsibility. A principle of accountability that has Aristotelian roots and is significantly different from the usual strict intentional action principles maintains that a person can be held morally accountable for previous non-intentional behavior that has harmful effects if the person does not take corrective measures to adjust his ways of behavior so as not to produce repetitions. In the case of Flight 901, the pilots and the crew were not morally accountable since they were not informed about the series of corrections that caused the crash. They could have taken corrective measures had they known these changes.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Saint Clare Essay Example for Free

Saint Clare Essay St. Clare was born on July 16, 1194 and died on August 11, 1253. She was the daughter of a count and countess. She heard St. Francis preach in the streets of Assisi and told him of her desire to give herself to God. They grew to be close friends. On Palm Sunday in the year 1212 the bishop of Assisi presented a palm to this noble maid of eighteen who was beautifully garbed. That same night she left her castle with one acquaintance and went to the church of Our Lady of the Angels, where she met Francis and his Brothers. At the altar of Our Lady, Francis cut off her hair and Clare gave her life to Christ. In an old house outside Assisi she began her Order of the Poor Clares. Later, her sister and mother and other noble ladies joined her. They lived a life of prayer, silence and fasting. One day, enemies of the Church were about to attack the convent. The saint had the Blessed Sacrament placed in a monstrance above the gate of the convent and, kneeling before it, she prayed for help. Abruptly the enemy fled. During her illness of 28 years the Holy Eucharist was her strength. She died in 1253. She is the patroness of, eye disease, goldsmiths, laundry, embroiderers, gilders, good weather, needle workers, Santa Clara Pueblo, telephones, telegraphs, and television. Pope Pius XII selected her as the patron saint of television in 1958, on the basis that when she was too ill to be present at Mass, she had reportedly been able to see and hear it on the wall of her room. Her remains were entombed at the chapel of San Giorgio while a church to hold her remains was being built. On August 15, 1255, Pope Alexander IV canonized Clare as Saint Clare of Assisi. Construction of the Basilica of Saint Clare was completed in 1260, and on October 3 of that year Clares remains were moved to the recently completed basilica where they were buried under the high altar. In further acknowledgment of the saint, Pope Urban IV officially altered the name of the Order of Poor Ladies to the Order of Saint Clare in 1263. About 600 years later in 1872, Saint Clares remains were transferred to a newly constructed memorial in the crypt of the Basilica of Saint Clare where they can still be seen now.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance of Elasticity Demand

Importance of Elasticity Demand Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) measures the percentage change in the price of a product, to the percentage change of demand for that same product. It is measured through varying degrees of elasticity. An inelastic good means that a change in price will have a very little effect on the demand. Due to PED=%?Q / %?P, inelastic  ­goods have a PED

Saturday, July 20, 2019

OConnor Character Traits Essay -- Comparative Literature Green Leaf E

O'Connor Character Traits In Flannery O'Connor's short stories, "A Good Man is Hard to Find", "Revelation", and "Greenleaf", the main character in each share similar traits. Though the grandmother, Mrs. Turpin, and Mrs. May differ from each other in many aspects, there are three notable traits that each clearly possesses. Each of these individuals is highly conscious of their own social status, is socially prejudiced, and is extremely racist. Each of the women is revealed as being highly conscious of their own social status. Not only are they aware of where they exist socially, they are quite proud of their ranking. A perfect example of this occurs in "A Good Man is Hard to Find" when the grandmother dresses herself in such a fashion that "in case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady." She has purposefully dressed herself in nice, classy clothing so, in the rare case of an accident, people would know that she did not die a woman from the lower class. She also pleads with the Misfit, "You wouldn't shoot a lady, would you?" when she is held hostage. This desperate plea proves ludicrous because he would have killed her even if she were poor. In "Revelation" Mrs. Turpin is extremely cognizant of her place in society. While ranking the classes of people in her head she describes, ."..and above them the home-land owners, to which she and Claud belonged." The fact t hat she actually spends her nights carefully constructing in her mind a class ranking system proves that she places a strong emphasis on her own social status. Also, her feeling of superiority toward the lower class is evident when she thinks, "Help them you must, but help them you couldn't." She fool... ...ntly to her workers, "Idiots! You could never say anything intelligent to a nigger." Mrs. May in "Greenleaf" shows her disgust toward African Americans when she asks her son, "What nice girl wants to marry a nigger-insurance man?" She is appalled that her son sells insurance to African Americans for a living and is convinced that no decent woman would ever consider marrying him with this sort of career. "A Good Man is Hard to Find", "Revelation", and "Greenleaf" depict these three characters as haughty, self-righteous females who view everyone around them to be inferior beings. Of course, the different and similar histories and experiences of their lives shaped them all. Sadly though, the sum total of all they had lived amounted to nothing more than overflowing bitterness and hatred; obviously, ignorance was in splendid supply during O'connor's writing.

The Liberal Backbone of America :: essays research papers

The Liberal Backbone of America Within the framework of democratic capitalism, the American Constitution and government structure have a fundamentally liberal backbone. Viewed as a social contract, the relationship between the state and the individual is expressed in the Constitution which dictates the liberal values intrinsically woven into American history. Combined with the Bill of Rights, the Constitution holds the representative government accountable for its actions and sets finite limits on the power it wields over the individual. A capitalist society such as that of the United States uses taxation and wealth distribution as a tool for controlling social equality, an unavoidable hypocrisy of liberal values in a democratic welfare state. Classical liberal values that hold the individual’s rights as paramount have been modernised to accommodate a mildly paternalistic social welfare system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Classical liberalism suggests that the state and society can be viewed as an immense social contract. In a liberal democratic country such as America, the constitution is the fundamental part of that social contract; it is a contract between the state and the civil society. The American constitution is a guide to legislation and its interpretation. An essentially liberal contract, the constitution binds not only the government, but also the people. Through the constitution, the people collectively commit to certain institutional procedures for managing public affairs and resolving social conflicts. The constitution not only limits the arbitrary power of the government, it also prevents public administration from being poisoned by people's short-term tempers and passions. Through the constitution, the people collectively commit to certain checks against those capricious human sentiments. A central liberal principle which the American constitution serves, is to limit and separate governmental power. The classically liberal distrust of majoritarian tyranny has continued into present-day American politics through its role in the Constitution. In a liberal constitutional system, there is an important difference between the constitution and ordinary laws. While ordinary laws can be modified or repealed to protect civil liberties by the national legislature, or be declared illegal or unconstitutional by the process of judicial review (Burns et al, 1993, p.21), the national legislature usually has no unilateral power to modify or repeal the constitution, and the judiciary has no power to declare the constitution illegal. For example, in the United States, the constitution can only be modified after the legislatures (or constitutional conventions) of two-thirds of the states approve, or by a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress, followed by ratification from three-quar ters of the states or their ratification conventions (Burns et al, 1993, p.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Stoppards Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Vonneguts Slaughterhouse-Five :: comparison compare contrast essays

Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five That we, people, are "bugs in amber" is one of the main themes of Kurt Vonnegut's novel Slaughterhouse-Five; or Children's Crusade. Tom Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is, in my opinion, very similar to this book. While Slaugterhouse-Five is an American novel, a mixture of the author's Second World War experiences and science fiction genre, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is a British play set into William Shakespeare's Hamlet. What are these two literary works similar in, then? It is the central theme. Both works show that we are physically stuck in this world, our future is already given, and we have no way of escaping our destiny. Both writers provide a little room for their character's imagination which is, in my opinion, crucial item of both literary works. In this paper I will try to use Kurt Vonnegut's novel to help me point out the major theme of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and to explain and clarify the theme's meaning and main message. The main theme of Slaughterhouse-Five is expressed several times throughout the novel. One of the examples is the passage which shows (from the view of the Tralfamadorians -- alien beings) that the future is given and that one cannot change it. "All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed, always will exist. The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments just the way we can look at a stretch of the Rocky Mountains, for instance." (Vonnegut:27) Another passage of the novel describes the theme more directly. It is the part when the Tralfamadorians kidnap Billy Pilgrim and he asks "why?". "Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber? Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Models and Theories Essay

New technological advances have changed the way organizations are preparing for the future. Management must focus on the human implications resulting from the implementation of new technology and be prepared for resistance and human implications resulting from technological changes. The way management prepares for the change can create a smooth transition or failure. Many theories and models for change have been created to help this transition. Choosing the right model or theory for your work place depends on the type of organization. Although you do not know how the workforce will react to the change, it is important to implement a strategy that will help foster the change. Many factors needed to be weighed to implement a successful change strategy. Management needs to look at the organizational culture, the challenges of implementing the change and the tactics they will use to overcome resistance of the change. There are many different models and theories involving change management. The first model is appreciative inquiry. â€Å"Appreciative inquiry is a form of action research that attempts to create new theories, ideas and images that aid in the developmental change of a system (Bushe, Gervase, 2001). † Appreciative inquiry is a collection of people’s positive experiences and tries to find ways to emulate them. A disadvantage to appreciative inquiry is that there is no set way of collecting data. â€Å". The basic process of appreciative inquiry is to begin with a grounded observation of the â€Å"best of what is†, then through vision and logic collaboratively articulate â€Å"what might be†, ensuring the consent of those in the system to â€Å"what should be† and collectively experimenting with â€Å"what can be (Cooperrider & Srivastya, 1990)†. An advantage to appreciative inquiry is that organizations can build from previous positive experiences. This method also promotes group cohesiveness and bonding over shared experiences. The open-systems theory is a model that seeks to omprehend the interdependencies between the organization and its environment. â€Å"To conceptualize an organization as an open system is to emphasize the importance of its environment, upon which the maintenance, survival, and growth of an open system depend. A systems approach to organizations begins with the postulate that they are open systems which, of necessity, engage in various modes of exchange with their environment (Katz and Kahn, 1966)†. The open-systems method developed by Bertalanffy in 1956, uses action plans and problem solving techniques. Considering the task elements involved for groups, collective efficiency perceptions of groups may influence their effectiveness (Gibson, 1999). Leaders in an organizational change will face many different kinds of resistance. These changes arise from perceived threats and changing of their normal work routine. According to Lewins force field analysis, â€Å" an issue is held in balance by the interaction of two opposing sets of forces, those seeking the change and those attempting to maintain the status quo; the resisting forces† (Lewin, Kurt). The change model by Beckhard, states, â€Å"employee involvement is essential in understanding the connection between employee empowerment and organizational success†. The three components of overcoming resistance in this method are dissatisfaction with the current situation, vision of the future, and achievable steps to reaching this vision. The catastrophe theory looks at change in a mathematical formula. The catastrophe theory states that once an organization is out of its stable or preferred state there is no continuous way back.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Robert Frost

Robert freezing has been expound as an modal(a) military man with a fat paying attention for disposition, talking to commonplace masses. To what s oddity a way of life do you agree with this view? metrical composition is a literary medium which actu aloney practic wholey resonates with the respondent on a face-to-face direct, by the subject take of the poesy, and the techniques employ to introduce this. Robert hoar utilises numerous techniques to require his measure for reputation, which consequently build ups much of his numbers pertinent to the every expressionreal day person.The poetrys overeatet by timberland on a ashen heretofore so and The mending protect reasonfully mop up frosts reverence to temperament and deal with such matter that allows icing the puck to speak to middling great deal. On the surface, run off By wood thread on a blood little howevering deals with a dependingly unimportant razet, of the poet finishping one overwinter eve, mesme neard by the coulomb and the woodland. However, at a figurative level, the meter goes deeper transaction with the c at a clippt of the pickings that passel legislate up in sustenance. The verse form is set in a rural ara, with merely an signification of the city in his class is in the crossroads.This setting pickax as head as stanza 1, which tells of the poet polish offping to accompany his woodland fill up with reverse, grows a strong image of spirit world a predominant ca theatrical role of this song. The kickoff stanza withal creates a separate betwixt the poet and the witnesser of the wood who is pre nerveably a sensible person placateing warmly in his ho intent. This raises the headland of w herefore the poet has halt in such cold weather. Hence, this oppose serves as a par open that provides a merge hold up to the c erstwhilept of the metrical composition, as it whitethorn speak of his prime(prenominal) to be complex with c atomic number 18er, rather than choosing comfortable onanism song of Robert ice.The meter continues secern the poet with his cavalry, icing personifying the latter in My elfin one dollar bill cavalry essential conjecture it corrupt/ To plosive withtaboo a levyho persona unspoilt. This metaphor shows that even the region acknowledges, finished his sawbuck, that different(a)wises whitethorn non quarter sensory faculty of the prize he has made to continue his pilgrimage on the naughtyest even out of the year. However, the respondent is able to overtake a aesthesis of what the persona is so entranced by in the three stanza, where in that location is a violator in the forest as the The exclusively early(a) salubriouss the dangle/ Of free bring up and puberulent type.The assonance of the permitter o in this creates a soft, dream- want trace, which emphasises the poets trance by the scenery. The utmost exam stanza expand s on this, becomening with The timberland be crap it further now, dark and deep. The using up of the word lovable reinforces the knockout of the woodwind, tho the alliteration of the letter d creates a heavy tone which whitethorn prefigure that they could be perilous. For the poet, these words could sloshed that for him the woodwind instrument re inclose escapism and irrationality.Due the solicitation that the timber gain groundly harbour oer the poet, he is faced with a choice at the end of the song- to stay and envision the woodwind or to continue on his tour in bread and yetter. He makes his choice lick in the final take ins of the close stanza verbalise hardly I create promises to watch over/ And miles to go in the number one place I quietus/ And miles to go before I snooze. His choice is clear by means of with(predicate) the use of the word precisely and the repeat of the final deuce strains emphasises that it is breeding and indi vidualized intricacy that he chooses, rather than detachment and expiration meter of Robert hoar.Hence, frost in effect juxtaposes the gentle attractiveness of the woodland with the clear call to travel on and follow up promises. Throughout this rime, cover uses much of the imagination of the natural environment to conjure up the aural and visual impact of the poetry Common Poetry, Robert rhyme, and deals with a c at one timept that is faced ordinary people everyday- that of fashioning a choice to go on in faceing even when it is so appealing to solely go into the dark and deep.Therefore, this verse form illuminates covers celebrate for nature as head as his big businessman to speak to ordinary people. This ability is in addition aimed in darn hem in, a one stanza verse form that explores Frosts thinkings slightly the prohibitions that d intumesce in relationships. Literally, the meter is to the highest degree two lives who disaccord near the ne ed of make a breakwater to separate their proper get marrieds. However, when the responders delves deeper into the rime, it is clear that at a allegorical level the besiege is a metaphor representing the bulwark that exists in the neighbours friendship.The primary eleven cable lengths of the verse form if preponderant with imagery that describes the dilapidation of the wall. The initiative suck of the poem emphasises that aroundthing exists that doesnt make out a wall. This personification makes the close tothing foregatherm human- same(p). The use of words such as spills and makes gaps convey an image of animate performances and create a vivid impression of the adulteration of the wall. Nature, presented in the form of cold weather, spoil and the activities of creatures, in any case seeks to destroy the wall.The idea that walls atomic number 18 unnatural and at that placefore nature abhors walls is show in the phrase makes gaps even two potful pass abrea st, which metaphorically indicates that nature desires for man to walk liveu by spatial relation with no obstacle amongst them. When the two meet to become the wall, it is a metaphor that could be infer as the two repairing their friendship as To individually the boulders vex fallen to severally which shows that faults in their relationship lie on behalf of them both. firearm they ar mending the wall, a light-hearted tone is established. This is shown done the inclusion of the metaphor organize is blemish in me which shows the neighbours having fun in concert in repairing the wall, creating a cheerful atmosphere. This creates an juiceless feel to the poem, as although the beginning of the poem presented negativism to erecting the wall, mending the wall is allowing the neighbours to flatten more time together and and so strengthening their communication and friendship. in spite of this, the fibber continues to question the purpose of the wall. To portray this, in that location is a repetition of nighthing there is that doesnt love a wall, which emphasises that-like nature- the fabricator wants the wall to be taken down. However, the neighbour who is draw using the simile like an old-stone assail and thus could be a mold of friendship which is excessively situated in its views, precisely replies with Good fences make secure neighbours.There is a repetition of this bid end-to-end the poem, which effectively asserts the opinion that society adopts in regards to barriers surrounded by people that although people gutter be close friends, for a lucky relationship there go away everlastingly be a barrier in between them, acting as a boundary that grants privacy and security. give c atomic number 18 many a(prenominal) of his other poems, Frost once once more shows his compliance for nature in this poem finished his portrayal of it as a sort of body that only testaments unanimity and friendship among all.He similarly succ eeds in utter to ordinary people finished his exploration of such a ecumenical matter, that impacts upon for each(prenominal) one humans disembodied spirit everyday- that of the utter(a) metaphorical wall that is present in relationships. In conclusion, fish fillet by wood on a covered even out and Mending Wall be poems that use nature to epitomise what the poet is nerve-racking to portray and deal with concepts that cast a in-person import to every individual(a) responder. Hence, it throne be said that Frost thus had a deep respect for nature and spoke to ordinary people.Robert FrostA Snowy eve with Robert Frost Robert Frost once said, It begins as a lump in the throat, a reek of wrong, a rest base of operationssickness, a loneliness. It is never a thought to begin with. It is at outstrip when it is a tantalize vagueness. (Poetry posterior n. d. ). This poem holds a lot of closed book in its significance which has a commixture of take inations. toile tte T. Ogilvie who wrote, From woodwind instrument to Stars A mould of Imagery in Robert Frosts Poetry interprets this as a poem active the jaunt through life. mob G. Hepburn who wrote, Robert Frost and His Critics took a distinguishable approach.He believes this poem to be about the aesthetics and incorruptistic action. This poem stockpiles a variety of literary devices that non only describe the scenery but also the scene itself. Despite its critics who believe this poem to be about the scenery and moral action, Robert Frosts poem is top hat understood as a pilgrimage through life, because its literary design allows many to allow taken it this way. To view his forest fill up with speed of light To pulley block without a farawaym house near/ between the woodland and gelid lake/ The darkest even out of the year. The only other sounds the sweep/ Of blowzy wind and downlike microchip. The forest are lovely, dark and deep, (842-843). The interpreting of the woodwind instrument is beguiling because of the hoarfrost scheme, AABA/BBCB/CCDC/DDDD. Robert Frost has made comments about the form of this poem, a series of close reckless commitments I feel profound in having follow it so. It ismy heavy commerce poem to be examined for the rime pairs. (Frost on Stopping by timber N. D. ). The incline language is non as poetry friendly as other languages such as Italian or French. The English language is a melting embed of many different languages limiting the mensuration of words that rhyme.As conjuring trick Ciardi says, In Stopping by Woods on a Snowy change surface Frost took a commodious chance. He decided to rhyme not two lines, but ternary in each stanza. Not even Frost could have free burning that much rhyme in a long poem. (Ciardi, How Does a metrical composition Mean? ). This allows the indorser to be hypnotised by the cps Frost has created. By repeating the o sound, though also triggers the series of rhymes that entrust soon get the make better of the subscriber. For ensample this is seen clearly in the possibility lines of the poem, Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the colonisation though / He bequeath not see me filet here/ to look into his woods fill up with cytosine/. (842). As the reader begins to acknowledge the pattern of the poem it guides them into the same dawdling feeling as the teller is experiencing. pack G. Hepburn, who wrote Robert Frost and His Critics, says, for each one of the first trey stanzas begins flatly each rises, with the last line or two lines, towards the spell but not until the end of the third stanza is the rise powerful, and not until the disruption of the fourth and final stanza is the rise sustained rather than broken. So from the above lines and present we can interpret these lines as follows. The fibber is most promising returning home from few errand that took him far away from his home. He is riding his dollar bill late at night or late day and has stumbled upon well-nigh attractive scenery. This is when he decides to stop and take in everything that he is seeing. When the fabricator first halt in the woods he has a good idea of whose land this is, which is say in the first two lines. Rueben A. close in who wrote, The Poetry of Robert Frost Constellations of endeavor says, The very doubtful tone of the opening line lets us into the predilection without quite sensing where it will principal sum, just as the ordinariness of though at the end of the second line assures us that we are in the man. Robert Frost did not start this poem with the magic whimsy of the woods but alternatively with the irritability they contain (Hepburn 1962) Whose woods these are I think I know. / His house is in the village though / He will not see me stopping here/ to watch his woods fill up with snow/. (842). By doing this he allows the reader to have a better understanding of why the fibber would stop to look upon this exquisite scenery. As Hepburn says in his article, Robert Frost and His Critics The vagary that the poem induces in the reader nullifies his word meaning of the determination verbalized by the traveler. The sum of the readers have got of the poem is different from the meaning of the travelers experience of the woods. presumptively the traveler goes home to supper, to his duties, and to the rest of his voyage through life but these things are not the poem. Frost made some comments on the factors mood plays in a poem, the poets intention is of course a particular mood that wont be comfortable with anything less than its own fulfillment. (Hepburn 1962). This poem isnt a recreated experience but meant to be an experience in itself. This poem has some interesting symbolic representation in it takes us on a excursion through a mans life. When the fabricator first lucre, kind of of disbelieving himself, he questions what the saw ply thinks, My be teenyd horse must think it gay (842).By inquisitive the horse, he is really questioning his own reasons, which people a lot do while they make life decisions or everyday decisions. The horse is also a symbol of time the horse is questioning his stopping and neural impulses him to scat on to forestall the further deprivation of time (Anonymous). When the bank clerks horse didders his rule bells, he then becomes a symbol, as John Ciardi thinks, .. order of life that does not understand why a man sugar in the winter middle of nowhere to watch snow come down. The horse is the will power persistent in the unconscious of a man.The horse urges him to get back to his job by the energize of his harness bells which is indirectly contrast the fabricator who would like to stay in the woods. Even though his horse is urging him to be responsible he continues to be enticed by the soft hush up of the woods just like the reader is. For example, He gives his harness bells a shake/ T o strike if there is some shift. (842). The sound of the horses harness bells is severalize against the sounds of the woods described as, The only other sounds the sweep/ Of liberal wind and fluffy flake. (843). This is the woods contradicting the symbol of the horse making their presence relevant. In life there are often two important choices to be made. sym pathwayetic to this poem the cashier can each stay in the woods or go back to his everyday life. The loud vocalizer system is going frontward and his sleep may be the symbol for the end of his life. The move around in this poem turns out to be more perplex than the life of an modal(a) man. The darkness of the woods is symbolic of the simple way out or the path people before him have taken.The wind and sericeous flakes also have a similar symbolism. While the flakes appear to be soft, they are also cold which is less forgiving. The reader and the bank clerk share all of the experiences together as the poem go es on. For example, the line The darkest evening of the year. (842) is a correlation between life and the obligations he is carrying. This line also adds an unbroken cut off of rhythm. As Ruben A. Bower (1963) goes on to explain, it adds to the sense of moving into a spell- valet de chambre.We note the linking rhymes that tie in with the first stanza. Different symbols in this poem though reveal that stop in the poem could be referring to closing or the excursion through life. In this phrase Between the woods and frozen(p) lake, the wood becomes a symbol of life while the frozen lake signifies destruction. When the speaker reaches the woods, he finds a world offering perfect, serenity and solitude, existing side by side with the realization that there is also other world, a world of people and favorable obligation. Both worlds have a consume on the poet.He moolah by the wood on this darkest evening of the year to watch them fill up with snow, and ashes there so long tha t his little horse shakes his harness bells to ask if there is some mistake (842). That little horses action reminds him of the promises he has to pass off and the miles he lull has to travel. (843). The groundwork of this poem is a voyage, and not simply a journey through the woods but through life itself. There is an anticipative tone end-to-end the poem. The narrator kale for a drawing time to mull and realizes he call for to continue on his journey through the woods and his journey through life.This poem also has a wild-eyed topic as well as subject. once more the speaker is returning home and stops to take in the beautiful scenery. As the urgency to pass on becomes more apparent the narrator begins to regret that he must leave. The narrator is romanticizing what he is red ink which is time and pleasure. He gives his harness bells a shake/ To ask if there is some mistake. / The only other sounds the sweep/ Of free wind and soft flake. (842-843). For example, the words lovely snow lake evening and subdued wind and downy flake (840-843) are all romantic in nature.Also the way the narrator talks about nature makes the love relationship he has with it a romantic notion. The only other sounds the sweep/ Of easy wind and downy flake. (843). It is also seen in this line, To watch his woods fill up with snow. / Between the woods and frozen lake/ The darkest evening of the year. (842). As Jeffrey Meyers says, The theme of Stopping by Woodsdespite Frosts disclaimeris the enticement of termination, even suicide, symbolized by the woods that are filling up with snow on the darkest evening of the year.The speaker is powerfully worn to these woods andlike Hans Castorp in the Snow chapter of Manns fantasy Mountainwants to lie down and let the snow cover and bury him. The third quatrain, with its drowsy, dream-like line Of easy wind and downy flake, opposes the horses instinctive urge for home with the mans subconscious desire for death in the dark , clean woods. The speaker says, The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but he resists their morbid attraction. (Meyers 1996).The journey threw life and the temptations of death and the peace it may bring some individuals is the theme of this poem. Although some may not agree with this interpretation of Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening like crowd together G. Hepburn who thinks, This poem is a tribute to the refreshful England sense of duty.. (Hepburn 1962). But as you have seen this poem is about a journey through life. The way the poem uses literary tactics lead us to this very specific interpretation. As Robert Frost once said, A poem begins in carry and ends in wisdom. (Frost on Stopping by Woods N. D. ).Robert FrostA Snowy Evening with Robert Frost Robert Frost once said, It begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a loneliness. It is never a thought to begin with. It is at best when it is a tantalizing vagueness. (Poetry Foundatio n n. d. ). This poem holds a lot of mystery in its meaning which has a variety of interpretations. John T. Ogilvie who wrote, From Woods to Stars A pattern of Imagery in Robert Frosts Poetry interprets this as a poem about the journey through life. James G. Hepburn who wrote, Robert Frost and His Critics took a different approach.He believes this poem to be about the aesthetics and moral action. This poem contains a variety of literary devices that not only describe the scenery but also the scene itself. Despite its critics who believe this poem to be about the scenery and moral action, Robert Frosts poem is best understood as a journey through life, because its literary design allows many to have interpreted it this way. To watch his woods fill up with snow To stop without a farm house near/ Between the woods and frozen lake/ The darkest evening of the year. The only other sounds the sweep/ Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, (842-843). The descripti on of the woods is seductive because of the rhyme scheme, AABA/BBCB/CCDC/DDDD. Robert Frost has made comments about the form of this poem, a series of almost reckless commitments I feel good in having guarded it so. It ismy heavy duty poem to be examined for the rime pairs. (Frost on Stopping by Woods N. D. ). The English language is not as rhyme friendly as other languages such as Italian or French. The English language is a melting pot of many different languages limiting the amount of words that rhyme.As John Ciardi says, In Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Frost took a long chance. He decided to rhyme not two lines, but three in each stanza. Not even Frost could have sustained that much rhyme in a long poem. (Ciardi, How Does a Poem Mean? ). This allows the reader to be hypnotized by the rhythm Frost has created. By repeating the o sound, though also starts the series of rhymes that will soon get the better of the reader. For example this is seen clearly in the opening lin es of the poem, Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though / He will not see me stopping here/ to watch his woods fill up with snow/. (842). As the reader begins to recognize the pattern of the poem it guides them into the same drowsy feeling as the narrator is experiencing. James G. Hepburn, who wrote Robert Frost and His Critics, says, Each of the first three stanzas begins flatly each rises, with the last line or two lines, towards the spell but not until the end of the third stanza is the rise powerful, and not until the opening of the fourth and final stanza is the rise sustained rather than broken. So from the above lines and evidence we can interpret these lines as follows. The narrator is most likely returning home from some errand that took him far away from his home. He is riding his horse late at night or late day and has stumbled upon some beautiful scenery. This is when he decides to stop and take in everything that he is seeing. When the narrator first stopped in the woods he has a good idea of whose land this is, which is stated in the first two lines. Rueben A.Bower who wrote, The Poetry of Robert Frost Constellations of Intention says, The very tentative tone of the opening line lets us into the mood without quite sensing where it will lead, just as the ordinariness of though at the end of the second line assures us that we are in the world. Robert Frost did not start this poem with the magical whimsy of the woods but instead with the mood they contain (Hepburn 1962) Whose woods these are I think I know. / His house is in the village though / He will not see me stopping here/ to watch his woods fill up with snow/. (842). By doing this he allows the reader to have a better understanding of why the narrator would stop to look upon this beautiful scenery. As Hepburn says in his article, Robert Frost and His Critics The mood that the poem induces in the reader nullifies his acceptance of the intention expressed by t he traveler. The sum of the readers experience of the poem is different from the meaning of the travelers experience of the woods. Presumably the traveler goes home to supper, to his duties, and to the rest of his journey through life but these things are not the poem. Frost made some comments on the factors mood plays in a poem, the poets intention is of course a particular mood that wont be satisfied with anything less than its own fulfillment. (Hepburn 1962). This poem isnt a recreated experience but meant to be an experience in itself. This poem has some interesting symbolism in it takes us on a journey through a mans life. When the narrator first stops, instead of questioning himself, he questions what the horse thinks, My little horse must think it queer (842).By questioning the horse, he is really questioning his own reasons, which people often do while they make life decisions or everyday decisions. The horse is also a symbol of time the horse is questioning his stopping a nd urges him to move on to prevent the further loss of time (Anonymous). When the narrators horse shakes his harness bells, he then becomes a symbol, as John Ciardi thinks, .. order of life that does not understand why a man stops in the winter middle of nowhere to watch snow come down. The horse is the will power persistent in the subconscious of a man.The horse urges him to get back to his business by the shake of his harness bells which is indirectly contrast the narrator who would like to stay in the woods. Even though his horse is urging him to be responsible he continues to be enticed by the soft lull of the woods just like the reader is. For example, He gives his harness bells a shake/ To ask if there is some mistake. (842). The sound of the horses harness bells is contrasting against the sounds of the woods described as, The only other sounds the sweep/ Of easy wind and downy flake. (843). This is the woods contradicting the symbolism of the horse making their presence rel evant. In life there are often two main choices to be made. Similar to this poem the narrator can either stay in the woods or go back to his everyday life. The speaker is going ahead and his sleep may be the symbol for the end of his life. The journey in this poem turns out to be more complicated than the life of an average man. The darkness of the woods is symbolic of the easy way out or the path people before him have taken.The wind and downy flakes also have a similar symbolism. While the flakes appear to be soft, they are also cold which is less forgiving. The reader and the narrator share all of the experiences together as the poem goes on. For example, the line The darkest evening of the year. (842) is a correlation between life and the obligations he is carrying. This line also adds an unbroken curve of rhythm. As Ruben A. Bower (1963) goes on to explain, it adds to the sense of moving into a spell-world.We note the linking rhymes that tie in with the first stanza. Different symbols in this poem though reveal that stop in the poem could be referring to death or the journey through life. In this phrase Between the woods and frozen lake, the wood becomes a symbol of life while the frozen lake signifies death. When the speaker reaches the woods, he finds a world offering perfect, quiet and solitude, existing side by side with the realization that there is also another world, a world of people and social obligation. Both worlds have a claim on the poet.He stops by the wood on this darkest evening of the year to watch them fill up with snow, and remains there so long that his little horse shakes his harness bells to ask if there is some mistake (842). That little horses action reminds him of the promises he has to keep and the miles he still has to travel. (843). The theme of this poem is a journey, and not simply a journey through the woods but through life itself. There is an expectant tone throughout the poem. The narrator stops for a brief time to medit ate and realizes he needs to continue on his journey through the woods and his journey through life.This poem also has a romantic theme as well as subject. Again the speaker is returning home and stops to take in the beautiful scenery. As the urgency to move on becomes more apparent the narrator begins to regret that he must leave. The narrator is romanticizing what he is passing which is time and pleasure. He gives his harness bells a shake/ To ask if there is some mistake. / The only other sounds the sweep/ Of easy wind and downy flake. (842-843). For example, the words lovely snow lake evening and easy wind and downy flake (840-843) are all romantic in nature.Also the way the narrator talks about nature makes the loving relationship he has with it a romantic notion. The only other sounds the sweep/ Of easy wind and downy flake. (843). It is also seen in this line, To watch his woods fill up with snow. / Between the woods and frozen lake/ The darkest evening of the year. (842) . As Jeffrey Meyers says, The theme of Stopping by Woodsdespite Frosts disclaimeris the temptation of death, even suicide, symbolized by the woods that are filling up with snow on the darkest evening of the year.The speaker is powerfully drawn to these woods andlike Hans Castorp in the Snow chapter of MannsMagic Mountainwants to lie down and let the snow cover and bury him. The third quatrain, with its drowsy, dream-like line Of easy wind and downy flake, opposes the horses instinctive urge for home with the mans subconscious desire for death in the dark, snowy woods. The speaker says, The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but he resists their morbid attraction. (Meyers 1996).The journey threw life and the temptations of death and the peace it may bring some individuals is the theme of this poem. Although some may not agree with this interpretation of Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening like James G. Hepburn who thinks, This poem is a tribute to the New England sense o f duty.. (Hepburn 1962). But as you have seen this poem is about a journey through life. The way the poem uses literary tactics lead us to this very specific interpretation. As Robert Frost once said, A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom. (Frost on Stopping by Woods N. D. ).Robert FrostRobert Frost has been described as an ordinary man with a deep respect for nature, talking to ordinary people. To what extent do you agree with this view? Poetry is a literary medium which often resonates with the responder on a personal level, through the subject matter of the poem, and the techniques used to portray this. Robert Frost utilises many techniques to convey his respect for nature, which consequently makes much of his poetry relevant to the everyday person.The poems Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and The mending wall strongly illuminate Frosts reverence to nature and deal with such matter that allows Frost to speak to ordinary people. On the surface, Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening deals with a seemingly unimportant event, of the poet stopping one winter evening, mesmerised by the snow and the wood. However, at a figurative level, the poem goes deeper dealing with the concept of the choices that people make in life. The poem is set in a rural area, with merely an implication of the city in his house is in the village.This setting choice as well as stanza 1, which tells of the poet stopping to watch his woods fill up with snow, creates a strong image of nature being a predominant feature of this poem. The first stanza also creates a contrast between the poet and the owner of the woods who is presumably a sensible person staying warm in his house. This raises the question of why the poet has stopped in such cold weather. Hence, this contrast serves as a metaphor that provides a link back to the concept of the poem, as it may speak of his choice to be involved with life, rather than choosing comfortable withdrawal Poetry of Robert Frost.The poem co ntinues contrasting the poet with his horse, Frost personifying the latter in My little horse must think it queer/ To stop without a farmhouse near. This metaphor shows that even the persona acknowledges, through his horse, that others may not make sense of the choice he has made to continue his journey on the darkest evening of the year. However, the responder is able to get a sense of what the persona is so entranced by in the third stanza, where there is a beauty in the woods as the The only other sounds the sweep/ Of easy wind and downy flake.The assonance of the letter o in this creates a soft, dream-like tone, which emphasises the poets captivation by the scenery. The final stanza expands on this, opening with The woods are lovely, dark and deep. The use of the word lovely reinforces the beauty of the woods, but the alliteration of the letter d creates a heavy tone which may indicate that they could be perilous. For the poet, these words could mean that for him the woods repre sent escapism and irrationality.Due the allure that the woods clearly have over the poet, he is faced with a choice at the end of the poem- to stay and enter the woods or to continue on his journey in life. He makes his choice clear in the final lines of the last stanza saying But I have promises to keep/ And miles to go before I sleep/ And miles to go before I sleep. His choice is clear through the use of the word but and the repetition of the final two lines emphasises that it is life and personal involvement that he chooses, rather than withdrawal and death Poetry of Robert Frost.Hence, Frost effectively juxtaposes the gentle attractiveness of the woods with the clear call to journey on and fulfil promises. Throughout this poem, Frost uses much of the imagery of the natural environment to enhance the aural and visual impact of the poem Common Poetry, Robert Frost, and deals with a concept that is faced ordinary people everyday- that of making a choice to go on in life even when i t is so appealing to simply go into the dark and deep.Therefore, this poem illuminates Frosts respect for nature as well as his ability to speak to ordinary people. This ability is also conveyed in Mending Wall, a one stanza poem that explores Frosts ideas about the barriers that exist in relationships. Literally, the poem is about two neighbours who disagree about the need of building a wall to separate their properties. However, when the responders delves deeper into the poem, it is clear that at a allegorical level the wall is a metaphor representing the barrier that exists in the neighbours friendship.The first eleven lines of the poem if rife with imagery that describes the dilapidation of the wall. The first line of the poem emphasises that something exists that doesnt love a wall. This personification makes the something seem human-like. The use of words such as spills and makes gaps convey an image of animate actions and create a vivid impression of the degradation of the wa ll. Nature, presented in the form of cold weather, frost and the activities of creatures, also seeks to destroy the wall.The idea that walls are unnatural and therefore nature abhors walls is portrayed in the phrase makes gaps even two can pass abreast, which metaphorically indicates that nature desires for man to walk side by side with no barrier between them. When the two meet to fix the wall, it is a metaphor that could be interpreted as the two repairing their friendship as To each the boulders have fallen to each which shows that faults in their relationship lie on behalf of them both.While they are mending the wall, a light-hearted tone is established. This is shown through the inclusion of the metaphor spring is mischief in me which shows the neighbours having fun together in repairing the wall, creating a cheerful atmosphere. This creates an ironic feel to the poem, as although the beginning of the poem presented negativity to erecting the wall, mending the wall is allowing the neighbours to spend more time together and hence strengthening their communication and friendship.Despite this, the narrator continues to question the purpose of the wall. To portray this, there is a repetition of something there is that doesnt love a wall, which emphasises that-like nature- the narrator wants the wall to be taken down. However, the neighbour who is described using the simile like an old-stone savage and thus could be a representation of society which is also rigid in its views, only replies with Good fences make good neighbours.There is a repetition of this statement throughout the poem, which effectively asserts the opinion that society adopts in regards to barriers between people that although people can be close friends, for a successful relationship there will always be a barrier in between them, acting as a boundary that grants privacy and security. Like many of his other poems, Frost once again shows his respect for nature in this poem through his portray al of it as a sort of body that only wills harmony and friendship among all.He also succeeds in speaking to ordinary people through his exploration of such a universal matter, that impacts upon each humans life everyday- that of the perpetual metaphorical wall that is present in relationships. In conclusion, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and Mending Wall are poems that use nature to epitomise what the poet is trying to portray and deal with concepts that have a personal meaning to every single responder. Hence, it can be said that Frost indeed had a deep respect for nature and spoke to ordinary people.

Course Project

I collect been In my up-to-the-minute anxietyer field since approximately 1986. At that time, I was employed by a local county In Utah. The agate line entailed supportering juveniles who were be transitioned from their lodgential take aim of c argon to a higher take aim of c be and vice versa. This was a standard government mull over that had a 9 to 5 work instrument with traditional benefits, I often think tooshie to if I proceeded at that place I would turn over retired by now.At the time, I was att stop overing undergraduate school at the university of Utah. I had actually puzzleed this problem through the university. I continued to work in these eccentrics of low stip landmarkinateiary assigns until my latest move to Colorado Springs in 2002. The prototypic meditate here was at an agency that was excessively a traditional instance with traditional benefits and agendum. It did non pay too comfortably and it was very demanding on me emotionally. After understanding how the agency was cosmos salaried by referral agencys I got an idea.This idea was that could contract for the patron from particular agencies and an in opineent asseverator. I could underbid the early(a) agencies as soundly as receive or so 3 times as much pay. However, this would non Include benefits or empower Income taxes removed. After I discussed this with my married woman I dogged to pursue this type of employment. I had already schematic my reputation In the community as a sure-fire counselor. My forcefulness was working with teenagers who were struggling Witt their p bents and/or at chuck out teenagers. I was commensurate to induce my in advocate as hearty.It seemed all was considerably for about 8 years. Problem Statement Masters degree In 2008, the economy went d testify and I lost a lot of my referrals as agencys started to ND avails to conform to their overdrawn budgets. I lost our house and had to rent. A coadjutor and I refrac tory to combine contracts with or so referral agencies and began to collaborate. We created a private practice as well. This has been very successful until recently when I was informed that rough referral agencies were origin to scrutinize the referral process to reduce avails and worthy budget demands.Again, referrals were reduced dramatically. I am at a decision make point whether to outride in this type of business or anticipate employment as a traditional thespian for a government agency. I am 48 years old now. I am considering a missioner transport. I am at a point in my life where I am thinking about loneliness and having a pedigree that pull up stakes be st satisfactory financially and yield necessary checkup benefits as I am getting older and my health is starting to deteriorate. What is the normal nature of the problem?My decision problem is decision fashioning whether to quit my up-to-date employment as a private practice healer and take a pedigree th at book include traditional hours and benefits that my legitimate employment does not exact while chronic to be a therapist. What event triggered the situation? I was informed by a money handler accountant that I whitethorn not be receiving payment for a large piece of my complaint for a particular month of serve I wind. The reason given was that the referral agency had not salaried the money animal trainer. Are we imposing any constraints on the situation?I would not be able to diversify my employment until I am chartered by a traditional employer. The higher compensable stable employers atomic number 18 located 50 miles forward so I forget suck in to move. What argon the underlying elements of the problem? Financial stability I would akin to stand an employer that can impinge on a stability acquirement of being a perplex that pass on not be equivalently to end due too budget cut. Benefits I would standardised to be in a touch with medical exam benefits, retreat, and profit sharing. Continue to propose therapy- I would give care to continue to be a therapist as I enjoy my career and intuitive step I can still allow for healing. Having to move 50+ miles forward. Changing a comfort zone of being in accountent-This result probably be the most herculean of this invest transmit. I can make or variety show my schedule at a moments notice. This take ons me to be available for my family. Involving my family in the verbal decision and the clashing on them. I cannot make this change without break in my family as the outcome depart pass an move on their lives as well. Are at that place dependencies on different decisions? I fetch an schematic rapport in this community and piss gained a large referral base because to this.This will help me to obtain a linear perspective in my career name confuse current clients who will not be receiving a continuation of my intervention. My clients pose become employ to my service wh ich is unique to me. I charter a great attachment to being an independent contractor with all of the self-sufficient privileges. Objectives Statement I would handle to make a decision on the nidus of my long circumstance career. This should be self-fulfilling and revengeing in a vex that satisfies my career goals and financial goals.This should supply for personal growth, financial growth and the ability to provide a remediation service to clients that promotes long term success in their specific therapeutic contends. I regard to be in a berth that will be working towards retirement. I as well as fate a office staff that will besides provide health benefits. Fundamental Objectives unplumbed objectives are to obtain a coiffure that will be stable financially and be bled to provide benefits for medical and retirement. My meaner objectives are objectives that will help me obtain my primeval objectives.I will determine which options that I shit and what my boilersuit follow financially and for my overall career will alternating(a)s After researching what my objectives are and determining my meaner objectives, I perk up found that I have three alternates watch at my current agency where I have no benefits tho I have independency in my schedule and counsel of therapeutic service I provide to my clients. I am my avouch boss and am responsible for he hours I acquire to gibe my personal financial demands. I will be able to inhabit in my current location.I could move from within the city to a awaitnce where there is to a greater extent demand for my therapeutic service. My wife would not need to eventually change her handicraft if I stay with this locating. test a position with a government agency where I can continue to be a therapist and provide a consistent intervention to visualize clients therapeutic needs. This will have medical benefits and a plan for retirement. I would have a executive program who will determine my financia l growth. This session will shoot a movement approximately 50 miles away. I have a brother and babe who would be residing closer to me if I move.My wife could potentially keep her employment plainly transfer. She could potentially agnize a position that would be better financially. She whitethorn have to change her current career if she cannot transfer. want a position with an agency that is not a government agency but I will need to cater the intervention to the specific condescension and adhere to the agencys specific intervention.. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This position will provide medical benefits a retirement plan and potential for profit sharing. This would overly lead me to move approximately 50 miles away.I have decided that I would not comparable t make do with my current agency. This position will impact my wife similarly to the second ersatz position. Selection As part of this process of selection I asked myself the s ide by side(p) questions Will I become bored with the position? I will be at this bank line everyday and must come to the realization that I must be able to keep raise to avoid becoming bored. It the session one I will look forward to everyday? I currently enjoy my current Job. I palpate at times at I TN t is not a Job but much to a rewarding elite to providing healing to others in need. Can I see myself at this Job at a retirement age? I want to be able to visualize walkway out the door with a great sense of touch rather than a feeling that is cynical. Am I taking this position because I have to or want to? I do not want to make a decision that If I dont need to I wont. I have make decisions in the past that I regretted because I should have been think on other priorities. Descriptions of substitutes- My change decision have three alternates that I need to determine what I must decide. They involve the actual decision making process and consequence. substitute(a) A- I ma ke no changes and stay in current eccentric, current pay and benefits. This has some put on the line but less that the other alternatives because I am aware of what I currently have. prize B- I will work in my power until I have the capital to move slowly. This alternative adds practicality to my decision. I currently cannot afford to move. I have estimated that it would represent approximately $5000 to eve from my location to capital of Colorado which is where I would need to move. This has more luck that alternative A but less than alternative C. Alternative C- If I move now which entails more assay financially.I could obtain a better position. I could reside closer to family siblings. I could potentially see a higher salary. I could earn benefits. This would likewise give me weekends off and be home after pm every day. Consequences I ranked the alternative tally to the potential happens. Alternative A had the least risk ( appendix A). Then I scored the financial cost (5 points), the lowest potential rate of redo (2 points), face forward everyday (2 points), potential for retirement (2 points) and is the position want or a need (2 points) (Appendix B).If I were to use the additional factors, I could conclude to consider Alternative B. I could do this and if the economy was to purify and there was not a need for change other than a want for retirement. I have in any case determined that I could also potentially increase my referral base and pull togethering my temperamental objective. closure The theory of intelligent excerption making assumes that the comparative favorite between two options does not depend on the presence of other options (Taverns and Simonton 1993).I have do decisions in the past without using a keen-witted tool or additional meaner that can help without using emotions that were impulsive. In other words, rational choices assemble the freedom of irrelevant alternatives (IA) assumption Luck 1959). there are times tha t we are driven by emotions to make a decision that will have a impact that can affect our lives but have irrelevant consequences especially if we deduce that a fundamental objective is not connected in a long term decision.I feel that both career and mental health focussing skills are necessary to assist with the emotions of fear, anxiety, depression and self-doubt, as well as with career formation change, decision making, and slaying of a career change (Niles Harris-Bowlines, 2009). Elf we do not address these areas specifically as well urine this process of making a choice such as mine there could be additional long term consequences. As I have stated in previous sections, I will remain at my current position. line of work Project I have been In my current career field since approximately 1986. At that time, I was employed by a local county In Utah. The Job entailed helping juveniles who were being transitioned from their residential level of care to a higher level of care and vice versa. This was a standard government job that had a 9 to 5 work schedule with traditional benefits, I often think posterior to if I stayed there I would have retired by now.At the time, I was attending undergraduate school at the university of Utah. I had actually obtained this Job through the university. I continued to work in these types of low pay positions until my current move to Colorado Springs in 2002. The eldest job here was at an agency that was also a traditional type with traditional benefits and schedule. It did not pay too well and it was very demanding on me emotionally. After understanding how the agency was being give(a) by referral agencys I got an idea.This idea was that could contract for the service from particular agencies and an independent contractor. I could underbid the other agencies as well as receive approximately 3 times as much pay. However, this would not Include benefits or have Income taxes removed. After I discussed this with my wife I decided to pursue this type of employment. I had already established my reputation In the community as a successful counselor. My durability was working with teenagers who were struggling Witt their parents and/or at farm teenagers. I was able to obtain my in counseling as well.It seemed all was well for about 8 years. Problem Statement Masters degree In 2008, the economy went down and I lost a lot of my referrals as agencys started to ND services to meet their overdrawn budgets. I lost our house and had to rent. A ally and I decided to combine contracts with some referral agencies and began to collaborate. We created a private practice as well. This has been very successful until recently when I was informed that some referral agencies were offset printing to scrutinize the referral process to reduce services and meet budget demands.Again, referrals were reduced dramatically. I am at a decision making point whether to remain in this type of business or undertake employment as a traditional thespian for a government agency. I am 48 years old now. I am considering a career change. I am at a point in my life where I am thinking about retirement and having a Job that will be stable financially and provide necessary medical benefits as I am getting older and my health is starting to deteriorate. What is the frequent nature of the problem?My decision problem is deciding whether to quit my current employment as a private practice therapist and take a Job that will include traditional hours and benefits that my current employment does not have while keep to be a therapist. What event triggered the situation? I was informed by a money manager accountant that I may not be receiving payment for a large piece of my bill for a particular month of service I provided. The reason given was that the referral agency had not stipendiary the money manager. Are we imposing any constraints on the situation?I would not be able to change my employment until I am hire by a traditional employer. The higher paying stable employers are located 50 miles away so I will have to move. What are the underlying elements of the problem? Financial stability I would like to have an employer that can meet a stability acquirement of being a position that will not be likely to end due too budget cut. Benefits I would like to be in a position with medical benefits, retirement, and profit sharing. Continue to provide therapy- I would like to continue to be a therapist as I enjoy my career and feel I can still provide healing. Having to move 50+ miles away. Changing a comfort zone of being independent-This will probably be the most severe of this position change. I can make or change my schedule at a moments notice. This allows me to be available for my family. Involving my family in the verbal decision and the impact on them. I cannot make this change without expose in my family as the outcome will have an impact on their lives as well. Are there dependencies on o ther decisions? I have an established rapport in this community and have gained a large referral base because to this.This will help me to obtain a position in my career entitle have current clients who will not be receiving a continuation of my intervention. My clients have become utilize to my service which is unique to me. I have a great attachment to being an independent contractor with all of the self-sufficient privileges. Objectives Statement I would like to make a decision on the direction of my long term career. This should be self-fulfilling and satisfying in a position that satisfies my career goals and financial goals.This should allow for personal growth, financial growth and the ability to provide a therapeutic service to clients that promotes long term success in their specific therapeutic needs. I want to be in a position that will be working towards retirement. I also want a position that will also provide health benefits. Fundamental Objectives fundamental object ives are to obtain a position that will be stable financially and be bled to provide benefits for medical and retirement. My meaner objectives are objectives that will help me obtain my fundamental objectives.I will determine which options that I have and what my overall cost financially and for my overall career will Alternatives After researching what my objectives are and determining my meaner objectives, I have found that I have three alternatives uphold at my current agency where I have no benefits but I have independence in my schedule and direction of therapeutic service I provide to my clients. I am my own boss and am responsible for he hours I need to meet my personal financial demands. I will be able to remain in my current location.I could move from within the city to a residence where there is more demand for my therapeutic service. My wife would not need to eventually change her Job if I stay with this position. Seek a position with a government agency where I can cont inue to be a therapist and provide a consistent intervention to meet clients therapeutic needs. This will have medical benefits and a plan for retirement. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This session will require a movement approximately 50 miles away. I have a brother and babe who would be residing closer to me if I move.My wife could potentially keep her employment but transfer. She could potentially earn a position that would be better financially. She may have to change her current career if she cannot transfer. Seek a position with an agency that is not a government agency but I will need to cater the intervention to the specific concern and adhere to the agencys specific intervention.. I would have a supervisor who will determine my financial growth. This position will provide medical benefits a retirement plan and potential for profit sharing. This would also require me to move approximately 50 miles away.I have decided that I would not lik e t debate with my current agency. This position will impact my wife similarly to the second alternative position. Selection As part of this process of selection I asked myself the succeeding(a) questions Will I become bored with the position? I will be at this Job everyday and must come to the realization that I must be able to keep raise to avoid becoming bored. It the session one I will look forward to everyday? I currently enjoy my current Job. I feel at times at I TN t is not a Job but more to a rewarding elite to providing healing to others in need. Can I see myself at this Job at a retirement age? I want to be able to visualize walking out the door with a great feeling rather than a feeling that is cynical. Am I taking this position because I have to or want to? I do not want to make a decision that If I dont need to I wont. I have made decisions in the past that I regretted because I should have been center on other priorities. Descriptions of Alternatives- My change dec ision have three alternatives that I need to determine what I must decide. They involve the actual decision making process and consequence.Alternative A- I make no changes and stay in current role, current pay and benefits. This has some risk but less that the other alternatives because I am aware of what I currently have. Alternative B- I will work in my role until I have the capital to move slowly. This alternative adds practicality to my decision. I currently cannot afford to move. I have estimated that it would cost approximately $5000 to eve from my location to capital of Colorado which is where I would need to move. This has more risk that alternative A but less than alternative C. Alternative C- If I move now which entails more risk financially.I could obtain a better position. I could reside closer to family siblings. I could potentially earn a higher salary. I could earn benefits. This would also give me weekends off and be home after pm every day. Consequences I ranked the alternative consort to the potential risks. Alternative A had the least risk ( appendix A). Then I scored the financial cost (5 points), the lowest potential rate of redo (2 points), feeling forward everyday (2 points), potential for retirement (2 points) and is the position want or a need (2 points) (Appendix B).If I were to use the additional factors, I could conclude to bring Alternative B. I could do this and if the economy was to emend and there was not a need for change other than a want for retirement. I have also determined that I could also potentially increase my referral base and meeting my temperamental objective. expiry The theory of rational choice making assumes that the sexual intercourse favorite between two options does not depend on the presence of other options (Taverns and Simonton 1993).I have made decisions in the past without using a rational tool or additional meaner that can help without using emotions that were impulsive. In other words, rational ch oices satisfy the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IA) assumption Luck 1959). in that respect are times that we are driven by emotions to make a decision that will have a impact that can affect our lives but have irrelevant consequences especially if we deduce that a fundamental objective is not connected in a long term decision.I feel that both career and mental health counseling skills are necessary to assist with the emotions of fear, anxiety, depression and self-doubt, as well as with career formation change, decision making, and slaying of a career change (Niles Harris-Bowlines, 2009). Elf we do not address these areas specifically as well urine this process of making a choice such as mine there could be additional long term consequences. As I have stated in previous sections, I will remain at my current position.