Monday, December 23, 2019

A Critique on the Character and Citizenship Education

This academic exercise serves to provide an institutional critique on the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) from its conception in 2011. My hypothesis suggests that CCE is a continuity of the historical economic-efficiency paradigm centering on the symbiotic discourses of survival, global competitiveness â€Å"communitarian† (Chua, 1995) vision and model of citizens’ character, values and functions. Through a structural analysis or ahistorical-comparative method† (Neuman, 2006) on the history of values education within the contexts of the corresponding economic imperatives - economic pragmatism and social cohesion appears to be at the centre of these discourses. These ideological structures seem to have continued in the current CCE†¦show more content†¦Yet this was not exactly a moment of aberration, Chua suggested that the introduction of â€Å"Religious Knowledge† was itself an effort to rectify the rise of individualism in the 1980s as a result of perceived Singapore’s growing westernization (Chua, 1995). Instead of a diversion, the effort was to strengthen the ideology of communitarianism, ensuring the importance of social cohesion would not be overridden by the influence of globalization, which ironically weakened the base, which gave it strength. This ideological contradiction came into sharper focus in the late 1990s and 2000s when the heightened globalization processes dispelled the illusion of coherence. The uneasy alliance between economic imperatives and social cohesion continued into the 1990s and 2000s, where it might be said that Singapore has been properly integrated into a newly shaped globalized economy. (Mardiana Gopinathan, 2013) Then, driven by the politics of the human capital economic competition economic restructuring where â€Å"innovation creativity† (Mardiana Gopinathan, 2013) ruled, social cohesion remained as the key to stability-sensitive foreign investment talents attraction. In 1992, â€Å"Civics Moral Education† (CME) was introduced essentially aShow MoreRelatedEthics in Education1245 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Ethics in Education† Learning Team B Gen300 Dr. Athalene Mc Nay 4-20-2008 I. What is ethics? A. A definition of ethics. B. How are ethics used in education? II. Integrity is part of ethics in education. A. A definition of integrity. B. Trust relationship is essential in ethics in education. C. Academic integrity is a mutual responsibility. D. There is cheating and academic responsibility within the education system. E. Phony schools, diploma mills and false credentials are aRead MoreThe New Land Of America Essay1619 Words   |  7 Pagesthe next day. 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